My name is Rose.

First Blog

>> Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sooo, I used to have another blog at wordpress but I got tired of it and decided to start one at a place a little bit more well-known (I do enjoy fresh starts!). I'll probably only get to write once or twice a week and it might be short or long--depending on my mood and what I have to say. This is just a place to tell my thoughts and revelations, maybe write a review on something or give updates on what's going on in my life. I enjoy getting my words out on paper (or in this case pixels, haha).
btw: this looks nothing like my journal entries; this is only the frays of the fabric that make up who I am. =)

I think I need to explain one more thing before I go. Love & Royalty is just what my full first name means (God named me, you know. VERY long story).

And this is also kind of interesting. This is some major things in history that happened on my birthday:
1789 House of Representives first meeting
1865 Robert E Lee and 26,765 troops, surrender to US Grant at Appomattox
1910 The Azusas Street Revival Begins
1918 Latvia proclaims independence
1945 Dietrich Bonhoeffer is executed on a twisted cross
1970 Paul McCartney announces official split of the Beatles

These are only a few important ones to me but much, much happened as well.

Thanks for reading and staying updated with my going-ons.


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