My name is Rose.

One of those people who...

>> Tuesday, November 16, 2010


5:47 PM

So every once in a while (okay, quite often) I get passionate about a hero. I have very few of them that I desire to pattern my life after and here is a glimpse of one of the ones I admire.

Every time I hear Dave Roevers testimony, I can't help but be inspired. What I don't understand is why it hasn't been made into a major motion picture yet. If Hollywood is looking for a story that will impact people and become a hit then this is one of those inspirational ones. It's got focal points of war, trust in God, true love, persevearance--and the amazing thing is it really, truly happened.

Dave Roever was just a young adult in the '60's/'70's when he went to war in Vietnam under the US Navy military branch. While there, he was burned by a phosperous grenade (told to burn hotter than the center of the sun) that exploded in his hand. The surprising thing is he survived this agony and lives to talk about it. What really is inspiring is the love he and his 19 year old wife at the time shared. A more expanded version of his story can be viewed at the website below.

If I was ever to get into the movie making industry and had the budget and talented artists (and permission of course) to make a film on this guy, I would do it in an instant. And I can say that only about a handful of stories out there.

Before I go I'm also going to point out that despite all of the trauma he's been through, his sense of humor is outrageous. He says, "It's fun to be fecicious." I couldn't agree more. If you can ever get your hands on the Focus On The Family copy of his story, then do it. It's one of the best. But if not, then here is a video or two of some of his testimony. I encourage you to listen to it. It's funny, inspirational but above all, real life.

Be Inspired. Sincerely,



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