Onething 2010
>> Friday, November 19, 2010
So I'm blogging while filling out my new facebook sooo...I hope this doesn't sound too scattered.
You know, a lot of people get so excited when they learn they are going to Disneyland or get to travel to Europe or Hawaii. You know what makes me scream for joy? Haha, going to Kansas City!! And it just so happens that I'm going for the One Thing conference at the end of December!! Woot, woot!
This was definately orchestrated by God. I registered three months ago in faith but I thought for surely I was going to go to college in the spring. I didn't bother giving it a second thought. My mom kept mentioning Onething every now and then and I was just like, "Eh, I'll be up there permanently soon." Well, when I found out my application was going to have to wait for the fall (aka it will be almost a year before I'll be up there again), I was slightly devastated. But I figured I can wait a year. God's timing is perfect, after all, right?
Well, a few weeks later I was listening to my mp3 player at work. It was about 1:30am and Jaye Thomas was singing live from the prayer room, "Only One." I started crying. The longing to go back there was so intense. I kept saying in my heart, "I just want to go home. I just want to go home."
The only place I can (with full honesty) really call home is Kansas City. The community, the people who are just so real for Jesus, the prayer room...I long to go back there again with every ounce of my heart at this point. I don't know how permanent my living there will be (I go as God so lovingly guides me) but for now I know I am supposed to go and I want to be there now! (Is that a hint of impatience speaking out? Probably...)
It's not like I don't have friends and fellow runners here, please don't get me wrong. God has truly blessed me with an amazing church family and family at home who--although human--love Jesus Christ and aspire to run after him wholeheartedly. But IHOP in Kansas City is the only place I have ever really felt I've belonged.
So I started feeling mopey for the next few days, trying not to kick myself for not getting a plane ticket when I could have. But then, once again, in a moment of despair, I was filled with an overwhelming peace. I was able, with confidence, to tell my mom, "I think I'm going to go back to IHOP on a visit. I don't know when or how, I just feel it in my bones."
She was like, "Okay." A few days later she told me tickets had jumped from $150 to $200 and if I wanted to go she was more than happy to let me come. I decided right then and there, you know what...I'm going on this trip!!
So my dad and me talked to the head manager at my work and to my immense surprise he just said, "Sure!" I couldn't believe it. I never once thought they would let me take off ESPECIALLY on New Years Eve and the week of New Years.
We booked my ticket and I'm waiting for them to accept my days off. I can hardly wait to go back and just praise Jesus with a congregation of over 10,000 with all hearts abandoned yet in unity. To get away from the hum drums and cares of life for one blessed week and get bonding time with my mom. God is spectacular to me. I've been in one of my weaker places in my walk with Him and I'm so undeserving of what He is so freely giving me. He loves me so much and I'm just blown away.
The reality of my trip didn't start to sink in until today at work. Once again I was listening to Jaye Thomas, "Only One." The truth just hit me and I started squealing for a minute, then I managed to calm myself down. lol. It was spectacular and I've been floating on the Excited Cloud ever since.
This is the first trip in a long time my mom and I will be going on alone; it's going to be nice time to spend some well-needed quality time together.
Keep us in prayer if you think about it. For unity, safety, finances and encounter from the heart of Jesus Christ so that we may never be the same again upon our return and we would walk out his commandments daily with renewed enthusiasm. And pray I don't get too heart-sick when I leave. *tears*
If you want to know what on earth the onething is then just hit the links below. =)
Sincerity & joy,
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