Grabbing my spiritual school books again. Hello! It's time for class!!
>> Sunday, January 9, 2011
1:00 am
(Be forewarned, this is very vague).
My blog is under some serious construction at this point. I'm trying to brush up on my javascript fluency to tweak those little annoying flaws. But since I don't want to spend six hours on the computer updating my layout, I'll just have to leave it as is until I get some more free time.What I REALLY need to brush up on is my actual posting. My goodness it's been over a month since I posted something (I had promised myself I would write something AT
LEAST once a week). Honestly 2010 was a very dry, icky year and there wasn't much good to talk about.
But I have some highly exciting news! 2010 is over and so is the spiritual dryness. I really feel this is the year for more growth and learning in almost every area of my life. And I'm excited. Well, for the most part. I know a lot of it will be painful and humbling as I bend lower in submission to the leading of the Holy Spirit but in the end it shall be worth it.
I cannot explain how I feel as I face this new year. I feel like I can breathe again. I'm not drowning anymore and sighs of relief escape my lips every so often. Every morning since December 31st I have woken up with the sweetest of songs playing in my heart to Jesus. I feel even more fresh and clean and beautiful then I did the first day I REALLY committed my life to Christ. I cannot explain the joy that overwhelms me. I'm not even going to try, I'm going to just run with it.
Let's see, one thing I am really learning lately is how to not let my emotions of current circumstances dictate my mood for the week, even my life. That is vital for me to learn. So far God's grace has been sufficient.
I'm also learning to let go of compromises. I'm catching the little foxes that spoil the vineyards of my heart. I made this decision back in September of 2010 but a few have managed to trickle in to 2011. I'm putting a stop to that even as I speak (in this case, type. lol). Just to give a quick example one of those things is music. Three years ago God really challenged me in this area. He showed me how absolutely powerful music can be--how it is a tool of influence. Music can aid strongholds in our lives and dictate what we focus on. When we listen to music, we worship. So we either worship God or we worship what God created.
God asked me to lay down anything that did not lift up glory to his name or help in edifying me (that even includes so-called "Christian Contemporary" music). I said yes three years ago and God has blessed my music library abundantly. I have probably more music now then I ever had in my entire life. But in 2010 I started allowing little things here and there back in. Before I knew it, I was listening (to name a few) to Yellowcard, Skillet, Swithfoot and Michael Buble again (this may not be an area of compromise for you, but to me it is the blackest of sin).
So slowly I'm progressing in letting that stuff go again. It's actually intense to say goodbye to it sometimes but I know I'm going to have the victory in the end. It's exciting to watch myself grow in this area! It makes the pain enjoyable.
So yes, these are just a few things I feel God helping me through. There is so much more in my life...maybe one day I might actually humble myself and give a recap on my entire 2010 year (until about September). But since I don't feel led to do that right now, I'm going to end this now.
These are just a few things God is leading me on. I hate to be so vague and I will blog more at another time. Blessings to you all!
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